Yoro Del Gormo Action Alet - "Speedy"
sire: CH Hydro Des Gueules d´Anges (France)
dam: CH Quest Bonvivant (Norway)
Pedigree: PedigreeDex
Yoro has been tested for:
DNA profile, BOAS, patellas, heart (Doppler test), hereditary cataract, is not a carrier of non-standard colours...
Grand Champion of Czech Republic, Serbia, Romania
Club Champion MSBMK
Champion CMKU
Champion of Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia, Poland
Serbia, Romania, Montenegro and Yugoslavia
Junior Champion CZ
7x Club Winner of both czech clubs, Austrian Club Winner, Serbian Club Winner, Specialty Winner, Multi BIS, Multi BIG
TOP 10 Total Winner French Bulldog 2017
TOP 10 Junior Winner 2017, TOP 10 Adults 9th Place
CRUFT´S Qualification 2018 and 2020